When it comes to long-term addiction recovery, keeping alcohol relapse statistics in mind can be a powerful way to stay vigilant. Relapse, after all, is a reality anyone struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD) dwells on.
But being realistic about relapse – the ups, downs, statistical probabilities – isn’t being pessimistic. It’s being proactive. Because the truth is, the call to drink can be loud when a person feels emotional, stressed, or void of hope. Plus, even “good” times can cloud judgment when it comes to the true cost of having a single drop.
Sure, relapse isn’t something we can always 100% control. But by creating a solid relapse prevention plan and keeping the facts about relapse top-of-mind, we can dramatically increase our own sobriety success rates.
Let’s take a frank look at the statistics.

Editor’s note: When we talk about an “alcoholic,” we’re referring to someone who is struggling with an alcohol use disorder. While the term “alcoholic” is still widely used, it is outdated and can sometimes carry negative connotations and judgment, which can hinder understanding and compassion. In certain instances, we do include “alcoholic” to ensure that a wide range of individuals – who adopt a wide range of terms – can easily find and access our resources. However, it’s more accurate and empathetic to use the phrase “person with an alcohol use disorder.” This term reflects the complexity of the condition rather than ascribing it to someone as a personality trait.
What is alcohol relapse?
Relapse occurs when a person returns to drinking after making the decision to cut alcohol out of their life. We generally talk about alcohol relapse in the context of someone who is in recovery from AUD after experiencing negative consequences as a result of their excessive drinking.
What causes relapses?
There are a variety of things that can trigger a relapse. Common causes include:
- Not having tools and resources in place. Not having enough support for times when temptations become overwhelming can lead to a relapse.
- Being exposed to triggers associated with drinking. This could be a location where a person used to drink or drinking buddies.
- Pressure to drink socially. Believing that you can handle “one drink” in a social setting can easily lead to a situation that spirals out of control.
- Pre-existing mental health or emotional issues. This can increase the risk of relapse and make resisting the pull of alcohol difficult.
- Guilt and self-blame experienced after lapsing. Many people with AUD slip into full relapse after “slipping up” by having a single sip.
The role of stress in alcohol relapse
Research shows that disrupted patterns of the multilevel stress response are predictive of future risk of relapse and treatment failure in people struggling with substance use.1
Some slightly older research that looks specifically at how stress leads to risk of alcohol relapse shows that stress-induced cravings significantly increase the risk for relapse.2
Also, a form of anxiety called cue-induced anxiety that happens when you experience triggers related to alcohol use is another strong risk factor for relapse.
Alcohol relapse statistics
It’s not entirely clear how many people relapse in total after they stop drinking alcohol. However, studies place the number at around 70%.3
The first year is the tenderest period for relapse risks. Research shows that less than 35% of people were abstinent from alcohol over the course of a one-year period following completion of a rehab program.4
Anecdotally speaking, people in the recovery community refer to the first 90 days of sobriety as the critical benchmark for avoiding relapse. This is when physical and emotional draws to alcohol can be highest.
The good news? Long-term sobriety statistics are far more positive for those who are able to get over those initial hurdles in early sobriety (more on that in a minute).
First, let’s dive into some of the factors that make a person more vulnerable to alcohol relapse.
What percentage of people recover without treatment?
What percentage of alcoholics recover on their own? This is an important question when diving into relapse rates. Some research shows that approximately 70% of people with AUD and alcohol problems improve without interventions.5 This is what researchers call natural recovery.
However, research done specifically on relapse rates shows that individuals who did not get help were less likely to achieve three-year remission.6 These individuals were also more likely to relapse overall.
Researchers have linked relapse risk in self-treated people with AUD to their reliance on avoidance coping – when someone tries to escape or ignore problems instead of facing them directly – which increases the likelihood of heavy drinking within 16 years of sobriety.7

How long does alcohol relapse last?
There’s no set timeline that makes a return to alcohol use an official relapse.
A relapse is defined as a resurgence of full-blown alcohol-dependent behaviors. For some, a relapse may last a few hours. For others, it could be days, weeks, months, or years.
A short return to alcohol use is sometimes defined as a lapse instead of a relapse. With a lapse, a person is able to quickly return to being on track with sober resources and behaviors after a temporary, minor mistake.
How many relapses does it take to get sober?
There’s no magic number!
It’s so important for people to know that relapsing does not destroy a person’s chances for long-term sobriety. For many people, relapse is simply a part of the recovery journey. With the right tools, a relapse event can be a learning experience that strengthens a person’s resolve to remain sober.
When researchers studied how many recovery attempts it takes to successfully resolve an alcohol or drug problem, they found that the average number was approximately five.8
What percentage of alcoholics recover permanently?
There isn’t a wealth of long-term sobriety statistics out there for us to pull from.
However, despite the fact that AUD and other forms of addiction come with high risks for relapse, the numbers we do have provide plenty of reasons to be optimistic (if you’re struggling with alcohol).
Research shows that approximately 75% of adults who report having a substance use problem are in active recovery.9
Plus, relapse risks appear to decrease to some degree over time with age. Research shows that drinking to intoxication, binge drinking, and alcohol-related problems peak between the ages of 18 and 22. Adult role transitions and personal maturation are associated with remission or recovery in early adulthood.10
The Relapse Prevention Workbook
Be vigilant against alcohol relapse
Knowing that stress-induced and cue-induced cravings are core culprits in relapse is crucial if you’re committed to staying the course. Every tool you can get your hands on counts when you’re serious about staying motivated and accountable.
For example: A tool like BACtrack View provides the extra clarity you need by allowing you to confirm your sobriety, in real-time, to anyone supporting your journey.
So, by managing your stress and taking advantage of support systems, you can continue to flourish in your sober lifestyle.
- https://www.jci.org/articles/view/172883 ↩︎
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23584109/ ↩︎
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8476113/ ↩︎
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21792580/ ↩︎
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33194507/ ↩︎
- https://www.probiologists.com/article/predictors-of-relapse-in-alcohol-use-disorder-identifying-individuals-most-vulnerable-to-relapse ↩︎
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1976118/ ↩︎
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31090945/ ↩︎
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31090945/ ↩︎
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7643818/#sec4 ↩︎