As a parent, you always want the best for your children. Most importantly, you want to protect them. Yet this becomes more and more difficult as they grow older. You can no longer be with them every minute of the day to watch over them and offer advice.
Alcohol use is one of the biggest dangers teenagers and young adults face, especially drinking and driving. When it comes to alcohol, the BACtrack View system can help you keep an eye on your kids, even if you’re miles apart. This innovative system allows you to remotely monitor your kids for alcohol abstinence and helps you to avoid the tragedies that so often accompany drinking and driving.
Always at Hand
Teenage drivers today are just as likely to be carrying their smartphones as they are their car keys. For them, their smartphone is an essential device – newspaper, phone, video/music player, and social media hub all in one. You can make use of your kid’s affinity for their smartphone with the BACtrack View.
The BACtrack View system only needs an iOS smartphone and the small, easily transportable BACtrack Mobile device. Your child will then be able to send their breathalyzer results to your own smartphone, no matter where they are. There are no longer any excuses – if they can keep up with their phone, they can keep the BACtrack View system always at hand.
No Fooling BACtrack View
Today’s kids are technologically savvy. They know all the tips and tricks to be clever and efficient on their electronic devices. However, it’s impossible to fool BACtrack View. This is because of its many advanced features.
For example, when your child performs a BAC test with BACtrack View, you receive photographic evidence of the test along with their BAC result. Even more, the photo is stamped with the time and location of the test, so you’re assured of honest results.
You also have scheduling options for your convenience and peace of mind. You can send a request for your child to take a test at any time – to allay your suspicions or simply to conduct a random check. It’s even possible to set scheduled or random testing, just to make sure your child is abstaining from alcohol during the entire evening or outing.
Not Just for Drivers
Of course, you don’t need a teenage or young adult driver in your family for your child to benefit from the BACtrack View. Parents of children too young to drive, or who haven’t yet received their driver’s license, can monitor their kids and gain assurance from a home breathalyzer like the BACtrack View. In fact, the BACtrack View is particularly useful for parents of any child, especially one with a previous alcohol problem.
Because the BACtrack View can be used for random or surprise tests, it allows you to put the responsibility of avoiding alcohol on your child. This promotes accountability and builds trust with each negative test. Also, because the BACtrack View is incredibly sensitive and accurate, within +/- 0.005 BAC, it can detect even trace amounts of alcohol.
You also have the assurance of police-grade results. The BACtrack View will show if your child has successfully abstained from drinking. Such a high level of accuracy means that you can trust the results of the BACtrack View – and your kid as they show you negative tests again and again.