Dealing with a problem with alcohol can be a huge challenge. If you or someone you care about is struggling with alcohol recovery, the following resources can be a good starting point:
Addiction Recovery Guide – A state by state listing of local recovery information and resources, including state government offerings for substance abuse education, screening, evaluation, prevention, and treatment.
Alcohol Rehab Guide – A comprehensive guide to support groups for alcohol and sobriety. This website also lists alcohol research organizations and offers help finding alcohol treatment centers.
Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) – The ARHE website provides a listing of resources and supports for college students, their instructors, and family.
BACtrack View – Remote alcohol monitoring service to help with accountability and building trust.
ConsumerAffairs Guide – Educates readers on essential aspects to consider when researching rehab centers. It answers common questions about cost, insurance requirements, and the various types of treatment. It also breaks down the pros and cons of several rehab centers with verified reviews.
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation – There are a number of articles on alcohol recovery on this site. It also features in-depth information about recovery approaches and treatment types, along with a listing of rehabilitation centers and resources.
MusiCares – MusiCares is a specialized program for musicians in need of help with alcohol and other substances. The website provides a list of free support group meetings, information, and other resources.
National Institute on Drug Abuse – This is a government website containing news, research, and treatment referrals for those struggling with drugs or alcohol.
Reach Out Recovery – This is a large site with news, articles, and other information concerning substance abuse recovery. They also provide a mobile app with news and resources. – This is a large database of rehab centers. You can search by zip code, state, or substance treated. There are also reviews by past clients of each rehab center listed.
Recovery Resources – Offering many resources for the treatment, intervention, and prevention of substance abuse and other problems. This group also provides help for dual diagnosis problems, encompassing both substance abuse problems and mental illness. – Provides referrals to local rehab and treatment programs, including detox centers and help lines. A listing of resources by state is provided.
SAMHSA – This is the site for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a division of the United States government. It provides a list of websites and toll-free phone numbers for substance abuse issues and suicide preventions. The site also has information and articles on a number of addiction issues.
SMART Recovery – This website contains information on SMART Recovery, a self-management program for addiction recovery.
The Recovery Village – Offers comprehensive treatment for dual diagnosis based drug and alcohol rehab, eating disorder and mental health treatments tailored to the patient’s specific needs.